Thursday, April 17, 2008

I found, well, I didn't it was link forwarded to me by one of my bosses of a great new blog site for folks that eat breathe and sleep creativly for radio. Everything from writing copy to posting your favorite spots for, and I'm guessing critiques. I'm too self concious to post one of my spots there for fear I'll be shredded. I don't mind critiques as long as their beneficial and I learn something from them, but bashing me, I would just rather not post.
I believe that I create great audio, both commercials and imaging and if it makes me happy, my bosses happy and anyone else I'm producing for, then we're all just fine. But check it out if your so inclined. Changing gears, I've rejoined Plaxo and made some more connections, hopefully I'll be able to garner some much needed production or voice work for the coming months. Lots of Huggies to buy :)

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