Thursday, March 20, 2008


My wife informs via text message, hey all the kids are texting now, it's great fun, that our unborn child that took 10 years to conceive moved twice in the middle of the night. I wish she had shook me awake so that I could have experienced that small miracle and joy. It's going to be difficult in the coming months to try and juggle careers, part time jobs and life in general to accomodate something that we've waited so long for. The anticipation is gathering energy and I'm starting to look forward to moving the office to my basement, and painting the room in neutral colors (We've decided that we want to be surprised by the sex on it's birthday).

Changing gears, I lost an old friend to cancer last sunday, Dave was only 53 and had so much to live for, his death brings a renewed intrest in my own mortality, am I doing everything I can to take care of myself physically? I've got to start eating better and finding time to excercise more, taking walks, jogging, lifting weights, maybe riding a bike, but definitly eating better. My doctor said that I was "pre-diabetic" what the hell does that mean? Noone in my family has ever been diabetic that I know of and granted I eat lots of sweets, but that's just because I quit smoking 17 months ago(pats himself on the back Yay me!), it's kind of scary really.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


I just got through sifting through the various websites I subscribe to and have tagged as favs, that deal specifically with Voice Over, and I can't for the life of me remember where I saw a forum I needed to subscribe to so that I can get some marketing tips on how to market myself more efficiently as a voice talent.

As a freelance voice talent, I just don't have enough hours in the day to freely market my voice and my other talents effectivly. I have a full time job imaging two radio stations and doing production for 6 more. Then on the weekends, I'm a courier for a Laboratory Testing facility, and I drive, listent to radio and drive somemore, then Monday, I'm back doing my paying job.

So when, how and where can I develop my freelance voice over talent marketing plan, so that I can effectivly make some darn money in this business. I'm already part of several networking sites like Talentdatabase, here's my address and I regularly participate in this forum it's another great place to learn about stuff. I guess I need more face time networking with real people, not just cyber peeps. If you know what I'm talking about, and would like to help me get my sh#! together please post here, send an email I'd really love to know when you find the time to do all of this.
