Life 101 has now started for my son Jacob Henry Leigh who came into this world on 8.9.08 after 20 intense hours of labor. My wife Christen is the bravest person I've ever met, not only did she suffer through the labor, not once did she ever say anything that remotely resembled a curse word. She didn't throw things and she was just awesome delivering this glorious gift from God, a perfect little life.
He makes me proud, makes me cry and makes me take stock in my own life, and how precious life is, his grandparents are proud as well. The look of joy on my mothers face as she held him close, the tears of Christens mom as we helped her deliver this bundle of love into the world was worth it all.
The outpouring of fellowship, help, compassion,understanding and love from all of our families is the greatest gift anyone can receive and no matter the circumstance of our lives, the world we live in and it's infinite problems, no one can take away the joy of the birth of our son. It is and will always be my greatest accomplishment.