Thursday, March 6, 2008


I just got through sifting through the various websites I subscribe to and have tagged as favs, that deal specifically with Voice Over, and I can't for the life of me remember where I saw a forum I needed to subscribe to so that I can get some marketing tips on how to market myself more efficiently as a voice talent.

As a freelance voice talent, I just don't have enough hours in the day to freely market my voice and my other talents effectivly. I have a full time job imaging two radio stations and doing production for 6 more. Then on the weekends, I'm a courier for a Laboratory Testing facility, and I drive, listent to radio and drive somemore, then Monday, I'm back doing my paying job.

So when, how and where can I develop my freelance voice over talent marketing plan, so that I can effectivly make some darn money in this business. I'm already part of several networking sites like Talentdatabase, here's my address and I regularly participate in this forum it's another great place to learn about stuff. I guess I need more face time networking with real people, not just cyber peeps. If you know what I'm talking about, and would like to help me get my sh#! together please post here, send an email I'd really love to know when you find the time to do all of this.


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